My hope is that my coaching log will help you by:

  • Showing the benefits of high intensity/low volume training that I’ve followed injury free for over 20 years which has developed into the The Minimalist/M2 Raw Training Method and the The M2 Equipped Training Ebook
  • Teaching through the experiences of my training partners and I.
  • Helping to show how to overcome adversity, regardless of what it may be, because we all have it.
  • Demonstrating the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, CJ went from many years of training equipped (in a single ply squat suit and knee wraps) to compete in the Special Olympics under IPF rules to being required to go completely raw. This is difficult enough for most people, let alone someone who is intellectually disabled and very accustomed to routine. He has done very well with the change and is improving to a point where he’s getting very close to his equipped numbers.
Here he is deadlifting 275 for 3 reps.

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It looks like his next meet will be in with Disability Powerlifting in conjunction with British Powerlifting on May 11th. This will be a good opportunity for him to travel and compete against new lifters. Thankfully both Trinity and I will be able to go along on the trip with CJ’s mom Sande. We haven’t been out of the country since we went on a cruise for our honeymoon in 2005, so we’re looking forward to the experience.

The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook

The M2 Equipped Training Ebook

The OBB Power Handles

12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench EBook
