I have finally dropped below my goal of 200 pounds. I think I expected to be a little more excited about it than I actually am. Funny in the world of bodybuilding how the grass is always greener on the other side. Are we ever very satisfied ... EVER? lol
I am excited that I feel great - with all of the things I expect at this lower weight. My back feels AWESOME and if I am being honest, I have not been to the chiro for a month. I will go next week but just haven't been able to get there due to the move, client in town, running kids back and forth to school from the new house, etc.. It has been a bit chaotic but my back just feels great.
I have even cut my cardio down to only 3 sessions per week and this week while having a client in town, I did absolutely zero cardio and dropped about 1.5 pounds in weight. Trust me, I would like to try this "no-cardio plan" again next week but .,.. I know better. It won't work or I would. Monday it's back to the elliptical at 9000 feet and not only for body fat and staying lean but just for overall health, as well.
My strength is in decent shape but not over the top. I am getting antsy to get through the next 2 weeks and start adding some weight to the bar and filling out these flat and depleted glycogen bags that are hanging from my arms. Ok, it isn't THAT bad but ... I really do look and feel flat as hell.
If I am being honest, I am lean but ... I am not as lean as I thought I would be at this weight. I guess to be more accurate I am lean but without the size I am used to having at this weight, I am just not very big and don't have the usual look so I am adjusting to that.
I also am not destroying food on my Skipload days right now. You would think I would be because of being so depleted and having such a low body fat but my appetite is not all that great for some weird reason and I swear it is as simple as the fact that I am just over this dieting phase and am over-dieted. I would not be surprised to start raising calories slightly in a few weeks and find myself ravenous not only for Skipload days but also just in general while on the diet during the week.
Oh, and not to mention I am cripplingly sore this week and the only thing I can think of is that I changed gyms and trained ridiculously fast this week due to having a client in town to train. I love it and I had a lot of energy to do a lot of volume but have been "newbie" sore all week.
We are looking at 2 to 4 feet of snow this weekend so I will likely have my weight fall even more from shoveling and snowblowing. I will update next week with my final weight, what my Skipload looks like and how the week goes after getting cardio back in there again. I still say I will end up right around 195 to 197 and that will be a pretty good starting position to start growing and filling out while retaining this low body fat level.
Have a great weekend!