Last weekend I competed in my first strongman show since 2010 maybe, I am getting old so I don't remember exact dates, but I thought it would be fun to throw on my old rehbands and get after it with my training partner and wife. They were actually training for it and since they were doing it I thought what the hell let's give it a shot. This was the first time in a long time I went into a comp with zero expectations. Not sure if that is good or bad but I did have fun and that to me is what it is all about.
The first event was a 350lbs Viking Press for 60seconds. We have the attachment at my gym so I got to do it a few times and was feeling pretty good about it. I have good pressing strength but crap for overhead range of motion so it is not a lot of fun forcing things to a locked out position when my shoulders don't want to go but a viking press is not as stressful. I got 14 reps which I was happy with.
Next was supposed to be a truck pull, I think a few athletes got to pull the truck before that event got shut down. Meet directors please make sure the places you are using are okay with you using the space. So that event was scraped and after an hour or so of standing around we went onto max deadlift. I needed a 665lbs deadlift to win the event and that is what I did, I was happy with how it moved but didn't want to do more as it was just a fun training day.
They decided to replace the truck pull with an arm over arm truck which was a SOB to move. I was not able to get it moving, my technique was crap and I think if I had a chance to go again I would have finished the event. I think a quarter of the field finished so at least I wasn't the only one lol.
Next up was a keg toss, I had a few warm-up attempts and felt pretty good about it, I knew it was a timing thing for the release that would dictate if it went over or not because the weight was not an issue. It was 35lbs, 40lbs, and 40lbs kegs. I got the first one no problem but the second and third I needed two tries to get the timing down. This was a fun event to get to do and I didn't pull anything trying to move and be explosive so a win for me.
The last event was a stone load for reps, 350lbs over a 52" yoke in 60seconds. The guys in my class all zeroed it and that was a combo of the stone being dusty and just hard to get the tacky to be useful on it. I gave it a go and got it up to the yoke but just couldn't get it over. Another event I was happy with because I have not lifted a stone in forever and my biceps are still attached. Overall I took second place and had a blast with everyone down there.