Pass that Nose Torque around the room and let me get up on my high box that I squat to for a moment.
Every once in a while someone gets up the nerve to tell me that I take it too far in the gym. That I'd be able to train harder, for longer periods, without burning out my CNS, if I would only stay calm, relaxed, and not "blow out my CNS" in the gym.
Let me look at it this way...I squat, press, and pull THREE times per week WITH PURPOSE! It is very rare that a training session will go by that I won't have at least 80% on the bar, if not considerably more, three freaking times per week. Now consider that this is a huge downgrade to what I've done for years. Before starting Chemotherapy I was training 6 days per week at one session per day (each lasting around 3-5 hours) and before that when I was training for a competition I was training 8-12 times per week with sessions lasting from 1-5 hours...so the current 12-15 hours per week that I spend in the gym GOING CRAZY is enough to simply keep the demons at bay.
But the crazy that a lot of people know me for is the crazy that loves the smell of ammonia, that head butts anything that gets in my way. The crazy that barks loudly between sets, yells very often, cranks the stereo up to 11 when ACDC plays, and has done so for over 20 years.
So would lowering my "crazy" benefit my CNS in The Gym? Watch here to get my take.