As I mentioned in the last update on Meana, our plan from here is to incorporate speed pulls after heavy squats and possibly some higher rep squats after heavy deadlifts. We also need to work on increasing her hamstring and lower back strength. Here’s how her first week back went:
She worked up to 335 for 5 on high box squats followed by speed pulls w/50% bar weight and up to 80lbs of chains added. I prefer to have lifters add chain weight while having them try to maintain the same speed throughout all of the sets. Look at Meana’s speed! Awesome! I always love hearing the cues from Seth. I honestly have no idea what he’s saying most of the time, but it sounds very encouraging. I think he’s speaking Canadian 😉
This upcoming week Meana will be squatting with reverse average bands followed by speed pulls, benching off of a 1 board w/chains and deadlifting off of the floor with chains. I added in pause squats after deadlifts. I’m not a big fan of the idea of pausing while you’re trying to be explosive, but I think these will help Meana to work on knowing where depth her is at as well as helping to increase her endurance at meets.