Elitefts Teammate Meana Alberworth and her husband Seth recently moved to Daytona Beach all the way from Canada. Meana will be heading to OBB a few times a week and inquired about utilizing my coaching following my Minimalist/M2 Method. I’m honored to be working with an Elite athlete as well as an Elitefts teammate and am confident that we’ll be able to help her reach new PRs while helping to keep her injury free. She's training for a USPA meet in Miami on December 15th which is exactly 12 weeks out.
I made a few adjustments to her training which vary from the Ebook program. I reduced the working reps from 5s to 3s and made some adjustments to the percentages. Meana is already training at an advanced level and doesn’t need what I would consider higher reps for her main movements. I also added a 3rd working set, although we’ll have to determine whether or not we want to keep that throughout the training.
For the first week I had Meana perform high box squats, 3 board for bench, and 3” block pulls for deadlifts for the main movements as well as accessory exercises to focus on all of the assisting muscle groups. Some of these are movements she’s not accustomed to, which is good. You can’t expect change by performing the same movements over and over. This will help provide more stimulus to her CNS thus helping her to acclimate to heavier training weights. Next week she’ll perform reverse band squats and on the third she’ll perform full squats with chains before repeating the cycle. Following this she’ll be squatting to depth 2 out of the 3 weeks.
Follow her journey, as well as her husband Seth’s bodybuilding journey, on their Youtube Vlog here:
The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook
The M2 Equipped Training Ebook