So we drove up to EliteFTS and a small group of us gathered to train Friday afternoon. I knew that I needed rest and I hadn't box squatted, used chains, or a specialty bar in a couple that is what I did.

Box Squats with SS Yoke Bar
322 lbs + chains x 2 x 10 sets
412 x 2
502 + chains x 5

Finished off with several rounds of
Back Attack
Reverse Hypers
Pull Down Abs

Then I watched everyone else lift. Joe Schillero did some solid benching, my wife used a monolift for the first time and squatted 200 x 3, Sheri and Ken both did some crazy numbers, and Bruce looks strong and ready!

Brian Box Squat 1
Vachio 512
Nefi Squat 200 3rd
Aneta Squat
Chris V Clint
Sheri Squat 290
Joe Sch Bench
Ken Squat 1