There's something freeing (at times) about changing training to fit your life... and not always changing LIFE to fit your training. Meet prep? Show prep? Sure, sometimes you have to make those sacrifices in life to compete... especially if you want to be serious about being competitive. But during your "off-season" or non-competitive season, it's nice to do life first.... then train.
The week started off great with some max effort lower. Tuesday (here comes my klutzy-ness coming out) I whacked the tip of my elbow really hard on a piece of equipment at the gym. It immediately swelled up and was so tender. Woke up Wednesday to it being really sore. I demonstrated a few movements for my clients and could barely do a push-up, pushdown or any press movement. Still swollen I decided to not train.
Thursday decided to do some back work as the pressing/pushing stuff was still hurting. Got a good back pump going which is always nice. Friday I did some light sumos and hammies with a client and rushed out for a day at the zoo with the kids.
So technically I missed Wednesdays upper and Fridays lower days (missed meaning I didn't do what my "program" had). I didn't stress. I didn't try to make up any days, or do extra exercises the following day or any of that nonsense that some people like to do when the "plan" doesn't go to plan. (If you're working with a coach, by all means, communicate if you miss or change things or need to adjust... right now I am my own coach) 🙂
I'm glad my life is allowing me to be flexible right now. Or I should say... I'm glad my training is allowing my life to be flexible. Client schedule has been busy, kids sports are busy and life is about to go through some changes in a couple weeks.
Christian and I were just talking (about a church sermon we heard) about how we are to live life NOW with the gifts we are given. Life isn't meant to be saved to live later, but God calls us to use what we have now - to give, to experience, to live fully NOW. And for that I am grateful for the life I've built.
And here shortly, when I compete again, training will have a more set schedule.
Also check out the podcast Christian and I did while down in Memphis/Mississippi area!
A. SSB front squat 3x2 @ 215
B. SSB goodmornings squats 3x8 @ 155
C. Manual GHR 4x6
D. Seated DB deadlifts 3x15
E. Decline situps 3x12
A. Lat pulldowns 4x10
B. Low row 4x12
C. Neutral pulldown 3x12
D. Straight arm pulldown 3x15
E. Curls 4x10
A. Box jumps 3x5
B. Sumo deadlifts 2x5 @215, 2x10 @215
C. Single leg step-ups 3x10 each
D. Back raise 4x10 w/ 35#
E1. Pull throughs 3x15
E2. Leg press 3x15
A. Med ball slam to underhand throw 3x3
B. Bench w/ 1 chain 5x3 @ 100 with 5 sec eccentric
C. Landmine single arm standing press 4x10 each
D. Pendlay rows 4x8
E1. Triceps
E2. Rear delts