Recent comps:
May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total
June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique
Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to powerlifting meet prep for May. Possible physique show late summer while we transition back to high volume and more mass again... #creatingamonster.
Week 3 was B.R.U.T.A.L. I should've known it was coming. It was like, "Hey, week 4 is deload, so let's just crush the hell out of you and see what happens." Haha, not completely like that. There's always a reason for what we do. But it was brutal nonetheless.
Playing off of the previous week, did a full arm day on Saturday, back day on Sunday, took Monday off and then CRUSHED the legs Tuesday. It was probably the 3rd hardest leg day I've had. You know, the kind where you don't want to finish, or maybe do 10 reps instead of 12, or maybe 50 second wall sits instead of a minute. But those are also the days where you want to do it all... to prove to yourself that you can finish.
I'm glad I have training that pushes me. Even though I've been training a long time (and I'm quite competitive...) give me something completely ridiculous to do and I'll try it. Scott has brought a lot of new ideas and he is constantly trying things to see what works best for me. And since our focus is physique training right now, he wants to find the right exercises, volume, set/rep schemes, order, etc to bring out the areas I need. Because you see, not all bodybuilders/physique competitors can do the same training and get the same results. For some women, heavier training will bring them out, for others, not so much. (I feel like this could be an article, Scott.)
Oh, and I'm pretty sure my pinky is still broken. About 2 months ago I was wrapping my knees during training and my pinky got stuck as I was trying to tuck the end of the wrap. It hurt, but didn't think much of it until later that night when it was swollen and tight. Thinking I just pulled some ligaments or something, I just iced it for a few days and that was it. Well...... it still hurts. When I mow the lawn, the vibration from the mower lights it up. It doesn't hurt during training at all... only doing silly things like switching over the laundry and putting on the dog leash. (Guess I should just skip doing the laundry then.)
My mother said, "Why didn't you go to the doctor?" Cuz mom, what are they going to do... except splint it and tape it?
Read on for week 3's training. Lots of volume, lots of swole, tons of fun.
A1. Straight Bar curls 4x12
A2. Dips 4x12
B1. Preacher close grip ez curls 4x15 (reps at different tempos)
B2. Pushdowns 4x15 (reps at different tempos)
C1. Incline supinated curls 3x8
C2. Tate presses high incline 3x8
D1. Reverse curls 3x12
D2. Behind neck Db extensions 3x15
A. Lat pull downs 5x15-15-10-10-20
B. Fatman rows 4xmax reps
C1. Facing incline rear raises 4x12
C2. Facing incline shrugs 4x15
D. Lat pull downs 5x8 heavy
E. Db row 4x12 each
A. Leg press 6x10-10-15-15-20-20
B. Stiff leg deads 5x7 last set rest pause partials
C1. Wall sit 60 secs x5
C2. Leg extensions speed swole x30 sec x5
D. Hamstring curls 2/1 5x10-12
E. Hack squat narrow stance piston style 5x20-25
F. Abs 5mins
Complete death. Not even funny. My legs were shaking so bad on wall sits.
A. Banded Laterals single arm x20sec each arm, 4 minutes
B. Seated DB shoulder press 5x12-10-8-8-8
C1. Incline front raises 3x15
C2. Reverse incline laterals 3x12-15
D. Wide grip upright row w BB 4x12-15
E. Banded Laterals single arm x20sec each arm, 4 minutes
F1. Tricep pushdowns 5x15-20
F2. Db curls 5x10-12
A. Lat pull downs 5x12-15
B. Pull-ups weighted 6x3 @ 25#
C1. Stiff arm pulldowns 4xswole
C2. Wide grip low cable row 4x8
D. Incline shrugs double impact 4x20
E. Lat pulldowns wide 5x12-15 drop set
This was another fun day. Didn't seem like much and cranked out in an hour, but was definitely tough on the lats. Love a good back day.