I had a lot of special moments at EliteFTS, as usual, but watching Dave train is always one that gets me deep down inside. It isn't that Dave is some Strength God or that he lifts some insanely amount of weight but it just might be that I look at Dave and think that this will be me in a couple more years. Dave is 50 and I'm 42 and while there isn't much of an age gap between us, 8 years is a long doggone time for things to go wrong so when I see things going RIGHT for Dave it gives me some hope.
Dave spent the first couple of hours in the gym helping others, coaching, getting his briefs and knee sleeves on, and drinking continual Monsters.
When it came time for Dave's sets, I moved the camera over to him and Ted Toalston (who was only there to do accessory work) and I couldn't stop watching. He squats lower in person that it looks on his videos and his speed off of the box is insane. Yes, you see him squatting in the M-Type Briefs but I will say that they are mostly for compression and do not give the dual ply POP off of the box that I get out of mine.
Maybe Dave and I are very different...or maybe we have a lot more in common that we think. I mean, he did walk over to me while I was warming up and yelled at me "And calm the F down, it is only 3 F-ing plates..." and then he went nuts till he puked. Pretty much sounds like something that I'd pull.
There were a lot of people training in the S5 Compound but it still CLEAR who runs the place. It is clear WHO is The Alpha in the room. It is CLEAR who still trains harder than everyone else. Dave Tate does.