I went into last Sunday's training session, how shall we say it, .....quiet. I know that I have various personalities and they all talk to me differently in my head. On days where I don't feel quite 100%, I don't hear the voice that pisses me off the most, I hear the voice that tells me to calm down and control our emotions because we will need to let them all out in small bursts through the day of training. If I let myself get too wild or fired up I will have nothing left when it comes time to FLIP MY SWITCH!
I spent most of the day training outside in the 120+F heat, trying to stay calm and quiet. I listened to music on the radio that I didn't know the words too so I wouldn't get really freaking pissed off and excited. Left Lane Cruiser is the band I've been riding with lately. Amazing music although I wish that they could make a few songs with a few less F Bombs and other various swear words.
And all of the freaking sudden, the next thing that I know...I thought I was having a conversation with The Calm Voice but as it turns out that really freaking nasty version of me had slipped over to the radio and switched it over to ACDC and loaded my barbell for me. My switch had been flipped and I didn't even realized that I'd walked over to The Breaker Box. That Freaking Nasty Voice is a partner to train with but I guarantee you that if you ride with him very long you will pay the price, and the stakes are high.
I pulled what I needed to and then walked over to turn off my camera and noticed that blood was everywhere on my arms. Surely I had scratched my arm on the barbell or on the rack walking to the bar and I've scratched my hands a few times playing Air Guitar on my P2 Belt so I just passed it off as a Deadlifting Miracle and went on...till I walked into the camera and started to wipe the sweat from my eyes.
I watched all of the video footage from both cameras before and after the lift...nothing.
The Deadlift Reaper and The Nasty Voice are working together to take me. One trying to take me home and the other is trying to take me to greatness. The ride is wild but I need to get better at listening to which voice is telling me what.
I love ya but you're getting to be a bit narcissistic. We all get wounds as we get older. Keep fighting though!
Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.
Hmmmm...I hadn't noticed. I guess I am one sexy man though. Practically a male model if you ask me.