Went in early today to train here is what I did.

Jacob’s ladder. 6min. TERRIBLE AGAIN, huge quad pump.  Had to rest at 2:00, then again at 3:43, then again at 4:24, then finished. Stopped the clock every time.  

Deadlift (2 holes) 3x5 225lbs all sets RPE6/7

Single leg curls 3x8. No weight 1set, 1 plate for 2sets.

AB’s. AbCore machine 3x18. 30lbs all sets.

Felt good today other than the stupid Jacob’s ladder.  Never thought I would say I’m looking forward to the treadmill instead.

Cold brew for the W!!

For the groups we did a TOUGH conditioning day as everyone was beat up from the workweek we had.
Heading to a NYE party tonight with the MRS. Looking forward to eating a ton as I can’t drink.