Welp, I have a solution for you!
One of the unique exercises you can perform with the Home GHR (and no other GHR) is a Glute Ham Raise Ab Wheel combo! Most people initially have difficulty performing GHRs. Often people are afraid of face planting on full sized GHRs as well. The Home GHR is:
- Safer since it’s floor based
- Has a small footprint so it's ideal for home gyms
- Allows you to use varying levels of upper body assistance by incorporating a push up
- Can be combined with an ab wheel rollout to make both movements easier
The Home GHR works as well, if not better, than a full sized GHR. Purchase your own here today!: The Effective Floor Based Home GHR
Stay in the Loop with the Powerloop!
The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook
The M2 Equipped Training Ebook
The Effective Floor Based Home GHR
12 Weeks to a Bigger Bench EBook