When I first got into lifting I competed in strongman and the training I was doing was a conjugate style. I did that for 4 years as I competed and got really strong for the sport of strongman. Now 6 years later I am back on the conjugate train and I will say at first it is weird and doesn't feel right, but I know that is going to happen when you try something new. Any break in your current routine or style will make things feel off but you just have to push through that feeling and stay on track. This feeling is why people program hop so much or revert back to their old habits or old styles of doing a certain lift. You have to have the foresight to know that the changes you've made are going to be worth it and that you have a plan set in place.



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CG BP (index finger on smooth)- 405 x1, 415 x1, 425 x1

Cambered American Bar BP- 315lbs x5, x5, x9 failure set

Rolling Db Tri Ext- 40lbs x12, x9, x7


Standing Lat Pulldown- 3 sets for 15 reps

DB Flys- 3 sets for 20 reps


Seated DB Side Raises- 3 sets of 15 reps  


CAT Squats- 325lbs 3 sets of 2 reps, 355lbs 4 sets of 2 reps

Close Stance Leg Press- 7 plates per side, 15x, 12x

Snatch Grip Stiff Legs- 315lbs x12, 265lbs x15

BB Rows- 265lbs for 3 sets of 10 reps  


Chest Supported Rows- 150lbs for 20 reps with 2 drop sets

Deadlifts- 405lbs for 6 singles w/30secs rest

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Belt Squats w/ Squat Wedge- 3plates x12, 2plates x15

Seated DB OHP- 75lbs for 2 sets of 10 reps

Lat High Pulldowns- 110 x15, 120 x15, 130 x15


DB BP- 75lbs x13, x12

DB Lat Rows- 55lbs for 12x, 12x
