Sunday: Squat
- SSB Box Squat: 205x3/225x3/245x5
- Push-ups: 5x10
- BBB: 5x10@155
- Pull-ups: 10x5
Tuesday: Bench
- FBB: 75/95/3x5@115
- BBB: 5x10@75
- Pull-ups: 10x5
Thursday: Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 275x5 (weight for the day)/330x3/350x3
- BBB: 5x10@165
- KB Row: 5x10
Saturday: Bench
- FBB: 95/105/3x5@115
- KB Row: 80 total reps
- BBB: 10x5@95 - sets done every minute
- Pull-ups: 5x5
The workouts were as simple as they seem. The first Bench and Deadlift workouts were done up at Wendler's.
Squat/Deadlift: I'll be doing BBB after my main work each day. Instead of 5x10 I'll do 10x5 with sets being done every 2 minutes.
Bench: I'll have 2 Bench workouts each "week". For now I'm just going to repeat it on the second day. I will also give myself the option of doing Push-ups instead of BBB if my shoulder is bothering me.
The weeks will look like this:
- Week 1: Squat/Bench/Deadlift
- Week 2: Bench/Squat/Bench
- Week 3: Deadlift/Bench/Squat...
You get the idea.
I'm starting my Squat cycle with my "old reliable" progression.
- Week 1-3: 245/260/275
- Week 4-6: 250/265/280...
Deadlift cycle
- Week 1-3: 275/295/315
- Week 4-6: 280/300/320...
As of right now my Bench cycle will be this:
- Week 1-3: 115/125/135
- Week 4-6: 120/130/140...
This is subject to alteration based on how I'm feeling.
Obviously, everything is VERY SIMPLE. I just need to do the work and have some focus.