I posted a few months ago about our off-season football program. I'll repost Phase 1 with what actually happened and that will lead into Phase 2, which is happening right now.
Recap - PHASE 1: Hypertrophy
- Dynamic Warm-up (on field)
- Week 1: 6, 55's/Week 2: 8, 55's/Week 3: 10, 55's
- Squat: 5/5/3x5 (Week 1: 70%/Week 2: 80%/Week 3: 90% only 1 set at top weight)
- Hurdle-unders: 2x3 each
- Plank: 2x30 seconds
- RDL w/shrug: 5x10@185 (Week 3: 3x10@135)
- Pull-ups: 50 (Skill/Big Skill)/25 (line)
- DB Squat: 5x10
- Push-ups or Dips: 50
- Partner PGH (done as a team to teach): 3x5
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- Dynamic Warm-up (in weight room)
- Team Shoulder Warm-up
- Hang Clean: 4x2 (135-225)
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Bench: 5/5/3x5 (same as Squat day)
- Sit-ups: 4x10-20
- Push Press: 5x3 (Week 3: 3x3)
- DB Row: 5x10 (100's, 105's or 110's for Line)
- BB Shrugs: 5x10 (225)
- BB Curls: 3x10
- Band Pushdowns: 3x15-20
- Team Abs: 100
- Dynamic Warm-up (on field)
- 55's (same as Monday)
- Deadlift (BB or Trap Bar): 5x5 (top weight assigned by feel)
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Plank: 2x30 seconds)
- Front Squat (Hang Clean 1st rep of each set): 5x5
- Pull-ups: 50 (Skill/Big Skill)/25 (Line)
- RDL (BB or Trap Bar) w/shrug: 5x10@185 (Week 3 3x10@135)
- Push-ups or Dips: 50
- Partner PGH: 3x5 (teaching)
- Weighted Sit-ups: 3x10 w/45lb plate
- Dynamic Warm-up (in weight room)
- Team Shoulder Warm-up
- Hang Snatch: 4x2 (95-135)
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Incline: 5x5 (no numbers assigned - Do Not Fail)
- Sit-ups: 4x10-20
- Close-grip (Skill/Big Skill)/FBB (Line): 10/8/6/4/2 (DNF!)
- DB Row: same as Tuesday
- Face Pulls: 5x10
- Dip Game (Dips/Push-ups): 10/8/6/4/2 (perform set or 10 Dips immediately followed by Push-ups (partner grabs feet and hold up in Push-ups position on Dip Bar)
- Curls (their choice)
- Team Abs: 100
- Team Conditioning Drills
We decided to Deload Assistance Work in Week 3. As usual, there's a good bunch of guys who don't train over winter break and they started to break down with the incredible amount of volume. No injuries (muscle pulls, etc...), but I think that 3rd week at full speed/volume would've been the straw that broke the camel's back.
PHASE 2: Strength
- Dynamic Warm-up (weight room)
- Team Plank (Front/Side/Back): 60/30/30/60 seconds
- Hang Snatch: 3x2 (95-135)
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Squat: 3x5 (Week 4: 80%/Week 5: 85%/Week 6: 90%)
- Sit-ups: 4x10-20
- FSL (Speed Work): 3x3 at first Work Set Weight (Done by itself - no superset)
- RDL w/shrug: 3x10 (135-185)
- PGH: 2x5
- Push-ups or Dips/Pull-ups: 50/50-25 (Line)
- Sled Push: 6 reps (Day 1: 20 yards/Day 2: 30 yards/Day 3-Week 6: 40 yards)
- Team Abs: 100
- Dynamic Warm-up (weight room)
- Team Shoulder Warm-up
- Hang Clean: 3x2 (135-225)
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Bench: 3x5 (same as Squat day)
- Windshield Wipers: 2x10
- DB Incline Triple (Skill/Big SKill): 4x5/Landmine Press (Line): 4x6 each
- Pull-ups: 25/15
- DB Row (Skill/Big Skill)/T-Bar (Line): 4x10
- Shoulder 21's: 2x
- Neck: 50
- Biceps/Triceps (their choice); 3x10
- Team Abs: 100
- Dynamic Warm-up (weight room)
- Team Plank
- Clean Pull (used as DL warm-up): 3x2
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Deadlift/Trap Bar: 3x5 (weights assigned-let the strongest kid in each rack pick)
- Sit-ups: 4x10-20
- BB Reverse Lunge: 3x5 (135+)
- RDL w/shrug: 3x10@135
- Lateral Squat or Hurdle-under (both w/DB for mobility): 2x5 each
- Push-ups or DIps/Pull-ups: 50/25-15
- Sled (Same as Monday)
- Team Abs: 100
- Dynamic Warm-up (weight room)
- Team Shoulder Warm-up
- Push Press: 5x2
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Close-grip (Skill/Big Skill)/FBB (Line): 10/8/6/4/2 (DNF!)
- Windshield Wipers: 2x10
- LM Press (Skill/Big Skill): 4x6/DB Incline Triple (Line): 4x5
- Pull-ups: 50/25
- T-Bar (Skill/Big Skill)/DB Row (Line): 4x10
- Pull-aparts: 50
- Neck: 50
- Biceps/Triceps (their choice): 3x10
- Team Abs: 100
- Team Conditioning Drills
PHASE 1 Goals
- General conditioning
- Build some muscle
- Get guys who didn't train over break up to speed
PHASE 2 Goals
- Continue to build muscle
- More emphasis on strength and power development (always talking bar speed, but really hammering it home)
- Work heavier on assistance movements
- Cut back on overall volume
You'll notice there's not a huge change between Phases. We've added in some more "speed" work for the lower body with the FSL and the Clean Pull/DL. I make sure that the weights are heavy, but fast. I'm more worried about Mondays being heavy.
Upper body I believe in "bodybuilding". Keep packing on muscle and volume to build up the shoulders and neck to handle the rigors of hitting/football practice in a few weeks.
The team is buying in better than I've seen in the past. We have a long way to go, but they are certainly heading in the right direction.
As far as injuries go, we're doing very well. We have a few tight backs (expected from these kids because they didn't work over break). One hamstring strain (not listed as a pull). So it seems we're onto something.
This is by no means perfect programming, but it's working well.