- SSB Box Squat: 245/265x3/285x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- FSL: 5x5@245
- FBB Incline
- KB Row: 5x10
- FBB Bench: 115/125/135x5
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- BBB: 5x10@115
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- BB Shrugs: 5x10
- Trap Bar: 230/265x3/300x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- Weighted Vest Circuit
- DB Squat: 5x10
- Push-ups: 5x5
- KB Row: 5x10
The Vest Circuit is awesome. It's a nice change during football camp. My legs and back take a beating because I'm on my feet much more than I'm used to. I can still get some work without destroying myself for the next two days.
- FBB Bench: 125/135x5/145x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- FSL (used Squat Bat): 5x5@125
- KB Row: 5x10
- RDL: 5x10
I did Neck and Curls after each workout.
I've played around with a few different options during camp. The one thing that I've really been enjoying are the circuits. Basically, I do my main lift and something for rear delts and I take my time. Then the circuit is on the clock.
If I'm smart with this I'll be able to improve my strength and pack on some muscle. Once camp is over I'm looking forward to hammering out a good fall. We'll see if I'm able to Squat 3 plates for 10 in December when I go back up to Wendler's for our Winter Edition of NOV.
I had originally planned to do something everyday during camp. After talking with Jim I realized that the circuits are taking care of my conditioning. Not that pushing the Prowler would hurt me, by any stretch. But, it might hurt me during camp.
I went from working 6 hours a day to working 8-9. On top of that, a good portion of that is spent outside. My farmer's tan is strong right now, as a side note. But, instead of running myself ragged, I'm using the old brain and thinking long-term. This is a new action for me. I always think long-term, but tend to act short term and end up hurting myself. Growth and maturity?