We're halfway through our Winter Training cycle. The guys are holding up pretty well. We have a few injury issues, but nothing major. I think the plan to train with lighter training maxes is paying off.
In the past I've always used their actual max to base percentages off of. I figured because I only get them for about 8 weeks at a time there was no need to train too light. It always starts out well, but eventually the weight catches up with them and they go into spring ball and camp a little beat up.
The more I talk with people and think about my job I realize that beating them up is all fine and dandy, but it's counter-productive. My job is to get them in shape and keep them healthy, first and foremost. The strength, speed and all that crap is important, but useless if they're banged up.
At this point in training, these guys are feeling pretty good. This week is a medium heavy week and next week will be heavy. Obviously, in order to make progress you have to stress the system so the body adapts. But, doing too much will break them down. So far the plan seems to be working.
I'm using the same progression with some female athletes. What I've noticed with them is that the medium and medium heavy weeks don't get them as much work in. Even though the percentage of weight lifted is the same, the medium and medium heavy days are pretty easy. I started having them do 3x5 at their heaviest weight instead of just one set. I think this could be a better option. I'm hoping I'm onto something here. Time will tell.
The girls aren't as beat up because their running/conditioning (I'm not in charge of this) is jut simply not that hard. Since their head coach wants to handle that I have no control. On top of that, the coach decided that they would only lift two day instead of three. So I have to get them as strong and "big" with 33% less weight room time. Obviously, this isn't possible and I've made that very clear to the head coach. But, as usual, head sport coaches know more about my job than I do.
All I really want is for the girls to be healthy. We'll see how it all plays out. The way it's set up I'll only have them three days a week for four weeks all year. My challenge is to get off-season work in with an in-season schedule. Fun.