Today was our last day for our lifters taking off before we start up next week. I am looking to bring a great team to the Arnold this year. Over the last couple years we have had to make some changes and let some people go and bring some people in. At the end of the day if a lifter doesn't fit what I (notice I said I) feel is right for the direction of our team concept I will let them go as well, no hard feelings.
We are having a team meeting next week and this will start to determine how our team will shift and form.
As far as for myself I hit some metal gear bench assistance presses. Went up to a decent weight felt good other than the pressure of the strap on my chest. After that I hit some DB mil presses. I actually had some spots and was able to go heavier than I have in awhile. Some pull downs followed this and then class started.
Felt good today just tired. Look forward to having just a couple classes Tomorow then sun off!!