Today again our Powerlifitng squad was off. Was great to hear we have another one of our strongest lifters in the gym (220lbs, PD) returning to the platform. Karl is 42 years old and just like Nova can be a force if they keep up with it and stay healthy. For PD records they should def set some records at there upcoming meets. Really looking forward to seeing Aaron, Kristin, Stephanie and Cody do some damage as well. They all should set a PR total. Marivon is the wild card. If she keeps doing what she is doing she will bar none be the strongest 132/148 lb lifter we have ever had walk through our door. Along with this she is a high level physique competitor.
We also have a small bet in the gym with the battle of the 275lbers. I won't spill the beans but def know who will win this bet. We also have my good friend Paula (head strength coach Chicago Blackhawks) on board with us. I am programming for him to do the meet with us at 165lbs. He will be in town this weekend for the hockey winter classic vs the blues.
I Am feeling better the meds along with the steroid is def killing whatever I have/had. Will be starting myself on mon as well with a great plan.