Today almost every lifter was off aside from my lawyer/powerlifters Ryan. He couldn't come in sat due to traveling for work. We tested him out. Ryan hasn't had any heavy weight in his hands or done a meet in a year. His weight is around 180. He hit a 355squat, 275lb bench and a 465 deadlift. These three numbers are all around 90-95% of his best meet lifts. Will be good to see how he progresses these next few months towards a late summer meet.
We had delivered a new Westside barbell buffalo bar and a buddy Capps deadlift bar. I cannot wait to squat again and try out the new bar. Patience is something I have learned this last year. With a couple of our new lifters I am hoping to see the hundred pound plate get the dust off them and see some good lifting tomorrow at our mock meet. Plan is to test out then go down the street and eat pancakes till we can't walk.
I hit a little more this week on all lifts good to feel some weight in my hands. Slowly but surely packing on some size.