- Trap Bar: 2x5@275
- Pull-ups: 5x4
- FBB Incline: 5x10@65
- Hammer Row: 5x10 w/2 plates + 25
Somehow I screwed up my progression. I still have to do my heaviest Squat workout, so I decided to just hit 275 for 2 sets and be happy with it.
- FBB Bench: 65x5/75x5/85x5/95x5/105x5/115x3
- KB Row: 5x10
- FBB Incline: 5x10@75
- KB Squat: 5x10
First time since September that my shoulder didn't bother me while lifting. I figured out somethign that I already know. I need to train 3 days a week with a 2 day "weekend" and I feel great. I really have to keep this up. I couldn't believe I had no pain. I'm certainly not healed, but I feel great and I'm making progress. The only addition I need to make is consistent conditioning. Once I get that back in line I'll be on to something.