A little catch up, here.

Tuesday I did a bodyweight/conditioning circuit.  Felt really good.  Wednesday I hit the bike for 30 minutes.


  • Deadlift: 235x5/285x5/325x5/235x10
  • Pull-ups: 5x6
  • Dips: 5x10
  • FBB Bench: 235x5/255x5/275x8/235x13
  • GHR: 5x10
  • Farmer's Walk : 5 trips


Conditioning: Bike 5 miles in 14.54 (10 seconds off my best), 6 miles in 17.59, 7 miles in 21.03


  • SSB Box Squat: 265x5/315x5/355x5/265x10
  • Dips: 5x10
  • T-Bar: 5x10
  • FBB Press: 115x5/135x5/155x5/115x10
  • RDL: 5x5@225
  • GHR Sit-ups: 5x10

The heavy RDL's are bothering my back.  I feel great when I do them, but the next day I'm dying.  Today it's been spasms from ass to neck.  Awesome!  I'll drop them to 5x10@135 and see how that works out.  I was hoping to keep them heavy, but I may not be able to do that consistently.  I'll give the 5x10 a ride for a few weeks and see how I respond.  If it's the same I'll drop them out.

Otherwise training is going well.