Sat 20 mins intervals stepmill, Sunday 30 mins stepmill, Monday 20 mins intervals
Hammer incline worked up to 3 platesx5x5
Regular incline 250x8x5
Pec Deck 3x50 reps
REverse Hypers 3x12
Box raw with buffaloish bar 4 and half plates x3
Coan dead/row 6x12
Reverse hyper 2x15
Monday(all back)
Mag grip 8x8
Machine pulldown 8x10
Stump strap with 120lb ex wife rows 5x5
Sorta of some side rows using mono strap and pulling across the body 4x6 per side with some face pulls using the strap as well.
Shoulder roksx 8 per side with light pressx20 x 8 rounds