I had the best of intentions Friday.  I finished my 3 morning groups (2 football and women's soccer) and was "ready" to train.  I found a whole bunch of other things to occupy my time.  I finally got myself ready around 1pm and got to it.  No matter my procrastination abilities, my workouts have been good, lately.

  • Box Squat Warm-ups bar x5, 145x5, 235x5
  • Ab Rollouts 3x10
  • Box Squat Work 275x5, 305x5, 335x5, 5x5@275
  • Push-ups 4x25
  • Pull-ups 5x5

Another short, effective workout.  I'm really enjoying this training cycle.  The simplicity and repetition fits what I like.  I have 3 more weeks of this plan.  I may try to smash all 3 into the next 2 because I have vacation in Arkansas then Tennessee and I won't be lifting.  That way I'll be able to get a deload and start a new cycle when we get back after spring break.  This is a bad idea and I probably won't do it, but in theory, it sounds good.