I ended up doing my workouts out of order.  I couldn't waste an opportunity to use Jim's Dead/Squat Bar by doing my sorry-assed Bench workout.  No big deal.

  • Trap Bar: 280x5 (295 on Wendler's bar)/335x3/375x3
  • Bench: 70 total reps
  • Pull-ups: 50 total reps

the bar "looked like" 280, 320 and 360, but was actually 15lbs heavier.  280 was my heaviest set this week.

I always get refocused when I train with Jim and this was no different.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I got a little distracted trying to do a whole bunch of different movements for 2 sets and I just wasn't having good workouts.  I'm back in a good place, training-wise.