I'm still enjoying working my Hang Clean and everything feels good. Nothing spectacular today, just a solid day in the weight room.
- Hang Clean: 135/145/155/165/175x3
- Hammer Row: 5x10
- FBB Incline: 65/85/95/2x5@105
- BB Shrugs: 5x10
- FBB FSL: 5x10@85
- DB Curls: 5x20
Apparently, I was on a DB Curls kick this week.
Hang Cleans felt really good. Incline bothered me a bit. This exercise might be on the chopping block. I'm thinking about dropping it for a cycle or two and revisiting it in the future.
Weird how when I was first about to press again, the Incline didn't bother me. Now, it bothers me the most (like it was prior to falling on the ice in January). I believe it's worth keeping and working on which is why I'll revisit it ad see what happens.
My assistant got all up close and personal with me...
- Body weight: 271.9lbs
- Body fat: 14.9%
- Shoulders: 55"
- Chest: 47"
- Neck: 19.5"
- Thighs-L: 23.5"/R: 24.5"
- Belly: 42"
- Arms-L: 15.5 (nerve issue arm)/R: 16.25
So this is a jumping off point for me. I know where I am now. Right before camp starts on August 1st I'll get remeasured and check my progress.
I'm pretty sure Jim, Vincent and I are doing an NOV Meet the 2nd weekend of July so I'll have a few numbers from that.
Really happy with this week. Things seem to be moving along well.