Good finish to the week. I didn't get in as much conditioning as planned. I had a few meetings and couple that with bad time management...
- Trap Bar: 190/230/260/290x5
- Push-ups: 5x10
- BBB: 10x5@230
- KB Row: 5x10
- Neck: 30
My lower back and knee aren't feeling good. I think it's a combination of two things.
- I wear Olympic shoes when I Deadlift. That extra inch is the threshold for my terrible mobility.
- I'm getting too much quad work and not enough hamstring-dominant movements.
To remedy this I'll wear flat-soled shoes to Deadlift and for the next few weeks I'll do RDL's instead of Trap Bar for my BBB work. In the past, this has made the difference, so that's my first choice.
Otherwise, I'm feeling great. The start of school next week may interrupt my early week training. I think I'm up-to-date at this point so I should be able to stay on track. Time will tell.