Workout 12
Long, boring story... no work today so I slept in.
- Trap Bar: 315x5
- Push-ups: 5x10
- BBB: 5x10@225
- FBB Curls: 5x10
- Karwoski Row w/Trap Bar: 2x15
My body has really adapted to doing something everyday. The only thing I really haven't done a good job with is keeping my pace up. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because in 2 days football camp starts and I won't have unlimited time to get my work in anymore. This will automatically cause me to pick up the pace and keep an eye on the clock.
Still having fun with this, but I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to my normal in-season workout schedule of 2 lifts per week. By the time I finish this cycle (12 more workouts) I'll have a solid plan, which I'll obviously tweak as I go, as you know if you read any of my stuff. My plans never survive first contact.