• Deadlift: 300x5
  • Bench (Squat Bar): 55/75/95/115/135x5
  • Pull-ups: 10x5
  • FBB FSL: 5x10@95
  • DB Curls: 5x10
  • Neck: 3x10/Shrugs: 2x15

Really good finish to the week.  I very happy with using the Squat Bar to do my main work when I Bench.  It's awesome that I can take the bar all the way to my chest without pain, again.  For safety and longevity I'm opting to use the FBB for my FSL work.  I hope to get to the point where I can just stay on the straight bar for all of my benching sets.  All indications are that this will happen.

I'm feeling really well and that always makes life a little better.