So after Christian's meet and our testing, we took a full week off and hopped into GPP the following week. GPP (general physical preparedness) is something that every lifter should do. EVERYONE.
Perhaps more details another time on why.
So when our first Monday rolled around, I don't think we knew what we were getting into. Christian put together this 4 week program and it's much different than his GPP programs from before. As usual we try to include single leg and single arm work as well as lots of bodyweight stuff and "conditioning."
Here's how our first day went down:
A1) Single leg box squat 3x12
A2) Forward stepping lunge 3x12
B1) Single arm DB press 3x12
B2) Single arm DB row 3x12 (1 sec hold)
C1) Step ups 3x12
C2) Single leg calf raises 3x12
D1) Pullups 3x10
D2) 6 way shoulder 3x10
Prowler - 10 sec sprint, 50 sec rest x 6 sprints
We moved pretty quickly through everything, which made it pretty tough. And with the gym getting pretty toasty these days, you can find us all standing in front of the fan for 5 seconds as we walk to the next exercise.
The first week was pretty tough. We were gassed from a conditioning standpoint. As we worked our way through week 2 and 3, we felt much better and far less gassed. It's amazing how much your body adapts to the stressors and workloads.
If you give this a shot, let me know. For week 2, up the rest a little each exercise, then week 3, drop it back down to 12 reps, but do 4 sets of each. That extra set really made a big difference!!