-Activations and planks/bird dogs
-Kb ladders 20kg. Lined up 4 moves single arm swing, single arm snatch, double swings and double snatches. 5 rounds of the 4 moves adding a rep to each one. 1 H S 8, 1 H S 5, 2 H S 5, 2 H Sn 3. Added a rep to each one each round
-Shot videos demo-in alot of moves to make my abs hurt more
-15 mins stepmill
-Activations with bird dogs only for extra rounds
-Football/swiss bar work
-Rows for 6 sets
-Floor press for 3x3, 2x2
-Close grip rep 6x8
-Straight arm back work with econo pulley and band for weights 6x8
-15 mins stepmill
-Activations and ab works
-Activations and plank/birddog/extra ab work
-Reverse Hypers Pre 3x12, Post 3x12
-Tsunami bar squats 8x5
-Tsunnami bar zerchers 5x5
-Two hand swings 20, 30, 40 , 50