First, let me be clear and say that I am venting or simply thinking out loud and letting everyone know what is going on with my prep like I typically do with my coaching logs. I am not asking for feedback and I am not asking for opinions on what to do or what is going right or wrong. That may sound dickish and if it does, I guess oh well. I am not in a position that I won’t figure it out, I’m just venting.
This second fat burner run has been COMPLETELY different than the first one. I am doing cardio this time and though I am still taking in fruit carbs this time, it is less than last time (logical considering it is 4 or so weeks deeper into my prep). Where last time I was pretty dry and hard most of the time (and dropping scale weight) while running the fat burner for 2 weeks, this time I am holding a ton of water and the scale is all over the place.
I have prepped for shows for years – decades, in fact – and I have worked with thousands of people prepping them for shows so I will get it figured out but right now I am struggling in my head because I simply need to be patient and let the last 5 days of this fat burner cycle run its course and THEN I will see what kind of condition I am in when the water drops off. Unfortunately, it will likely take another week after I am finished with the fat burner so there is a solid 2 more weeks that I won’t know the true extent of where I really am in reference to condition.
What I THINK is going on is I am considerably leaner but the water is masking the large majority of it. How much water are we talking here? About 8 or so pounds – yeah, not good. I am much drier in the mornings but the weight is still up considerably from my baseline before I started the fat burner. The other thing that is odd is I am remarkably full this time around and have not felt flat even once. I wasn’t terribly flat during the first fat burner cycle, either, but this time I am REALLY full compared.
Here’s the kicker:
I Skiploaded last weekend and even though I had no issues with heat because I loaded moderate fat and moderate carb, I held a retarded amount of water for the first couple of days after the load. It started to fall off after that and more would come off each day this last week but the fat burner is almost holding extra water and not letting it drop anywhere near as quickly as after a normal Skipload without the fat burner.
Now, I was so full the day after the Skipload that I doubt I have ever been that full even using the SCGS compound before. This is a huge contradiction given this is NOT a trait of this fat burner – being flat is.
Right now I have decided to not load this weekend given the massive water retention from last week after loading, the fact that I am not very flat, at all, and to make sure that I am not hindering body fat loss by loading, too. Oh, and my weight being so high over baseline.
I have a hunch that after I load NEXT weekend, I will then be able to take one full week not being on the fat burner and move a TON of water (I will actually start to move the water when the fat burner stops on Wednesday but not much water will get moved before I have to load on that following Sunday so it will take the following full week to move water off of me). I anticipate being in pretty crazy condition after I get rid of the water and my weight being much lower than my current baseline.
If not, it will be quite simple: This second fat burner run while doing cardio at the same time, would be a pretty big waste and I don’t think that is the case.
Plus, Mrs. Skip – who never comments on my condition ever – has said that I am continuing to get tighter and leaner and more vascular. She has a vagina so I tend to listen to her.