I have no idea if it is just "that time of the year" or what but the last couple of weeks I've been hit with emails from people that want to "Try My Program" and most of them have made it clear that they have ran "X's Program" and "Y's Program" and "Z's Program" in the last couple of years and now they want to try mine... You know..."to give it a shot and see what it is all about..."
I'm going to keep this really short, which is rare for me.
1) I do not have a program. I have hundreds of programs that I work from as a base.
2) At no point should you be following someone else's program, especially if you are paying for it! If you are currently "Doing Coach X's Program" then you are getting robbed both financially and from a product stand point as well.
Every person that hires me will not be doing MY PROGRAM. Heck, even the guys that train with me face to face every Sunday do not follow MY PROGRAM, I encourage them to do what THEY NEED TO DO...not what I need to do.
So, if you pay me for my insight, I guess I could give you MY PROGRAM but I think that you will be much more happy if I hand you YOUR PROGRAM each and every week.
Time for a giant pork chop, some eggs, a beer and bed!