Ok, that might be a LITTLE misleading but the fact remains that while I was not able to train or do cardio for two full weeks due to the move, I got quite a bit leaner. Yes, I got smaller but I got leaner and to add insult to injury, I got leaner eating whatever I wanted and that usually meant copious amounts of ribs and brisket everyday.
When I say I did no cardio I should clarify by saying I did not get on my elliptical even once. I did, however, move 3600sq ft of furniture to the new house of equal size and if that wasn't enough work in-and-of-itself, I (we) did it at 9000ft and during a winter storm over 2 full days.
That isn't all, though. After getting everything moved in I had to shovel a driveway TWICE that mimicked using a prowler as I pushed a shovel through snow each time for over 4 hours - that's right - over 4 hours to shovel the driveway.
Moving sucks terribly bad and, yes, I could have paid someone to do it but I wanted to save the money and figured after 5 weeks of gorgeous weather here in Colorado, it would be an easy move in 60 degree weather. Yeah, um, no. The winter storm started the same day we closed on the house and it got so bad that night that we had to leave the truck loaded overnight because we couldn't get it down the driveway at the new home for fear we would go off the edge due to terrible weather conditions.
A typical day during this time was getting up, having coffee and working my ass off all day without eating or drinking anything. My urine took on an unfavorable hue of what I like to call "kidney failure brown". At night after finishing the work for the day it was shower time and then time to destroy some of the best smoked ribs and brisket in the Denver area from the Switchback Smokehouse. If you are ever in the area and love smoked meat, this is the place you must visit.
Moving is the worst and it isn't just the heavy stuff and hard work. It is also the stress of getting internet and cell coverage up and running so that you can get back to work taking care of your clients and meeting writing deadlines ... like ... getting your coaching log in on time or ... a week late. It is changing over your address for all of your bills, getting the other house sorted either to sell or rent or whatever your situation is. It is also a time that you try not to kill your children or your spouse and hope that your spouse isn't planning to kill you the second you fall asleep at night.
As bad as moving is, there is no feeling like after you get settled and you can sit down in front of the fireplace and just chill in your new, beautiful home out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Colorado. Training and cardio? Yeah, I got back to it this week but let me tell you that it was tempting not to steal another week. Who would know? Up here in rural Colorado nobody works out or gives a shit if you do. Thank God I give a shit.