I love "hypertrophy" training. It's a tad different than straight physique prep for me, but concepts are the similar obviously. Higher reps with main movements, some pre-fatigue work, drops, rest/pauses, isometrics and more.
I wrote up Anto's program as he just finished his GPP phase and is moving into some hypertrophy work before meet prep starts again. Since I'm still in limbo, I decided last minute to jump in and train WITH him.
Now, it's been a good 3 years since I've had a training partner. My good friend Ange (who does figure) and I trained together a bit back in the fall. Once meet prep started for me and figure prep started for her, we didn't get to train together much. But other than that, it's been YEARS since I've had someone to really really train with.
Anto has been up here for about 3 weeks now and it's been crazy enough that we haven't even had a chance to train together. We are going to do our best to be training partners for the time being and work around each other's schedules to make it happen. (Once the kids are in school, it should be a little easier getting it done before they get out in the afternoon).
Week 1 -
Day 1 had me like WHOA.... and at the same time super grateful that he was there to push me through. No way I would've done the weight I did if it wasn't for him pushing me. Day 2 was tough as well and day 3 I had to wimp out on the deads because I just had soft tissue work done 2 hours prior.
Week 2 -
Day 1 was BRUTAL for us both. Both of us got a little nauseous, but I think mostly from the heat. Squats killed us both and the rest was a struggle. (We actually skipped leg extensions this week). We used the same weight but took the box down a hair lower. Anto pushed me again when I didn't want or didn't think I could. Day 2 was tough, but not as bad as week 1. Day 3, I deadlifted and it went really really well. Best I've felt pulling in awhile.
Monday - Legs
Leg curls - 2x10 warm up, then 3x10 drop set last set
Squat - work up to set of 8 and do 2 sets at that weight (we opted for wide stance box squats w/ SSB as it is an exercise that both of us need work on)
Hack squats - 3x12, paused on the pins, staying explosive
Split squats - 8 reps/8 second holdx4 EACH LEG (1 set total)
Leg extensions - 3x10, last set go 8, hold 5, 8, hold 5, 8, hold 5
Wednesday - Chest/Shoulders
DB bench – 4x8, drop set last set, try doing ¾ reps on the drops to keep tension on the pecs.
Incline fat bar bench w/ pause – couple warm up sets then 3x8
Decline DB bench – 3x15
Chain flyes – 3x15
Banded rear flyes – 4x20
DB laterals – 4x8 heavy
Front raise, palms up – 3x15
Friday - Deadlift/Back
Pullups – 3x8
Conventional deads – work up in sets of 5 til heavy, then lighten load significantly and do 20. (Week 2 worked up to 295x5, then 185x20).
Seated cable rows – 3x8, squeeze each for 2 seconds
Single arm row on chest supported (elbow out) – 3x12 each
Seated DB deadlift – 3x12