Even when you know something like the back of your hand after 3 decades of doing it, you still sometimes get a stupid idea and feel the need to go against every damn thing you know. I have done it; we all have done it. I just did it on Tuesday.
After writing an article on why deadlifting is overrated for bodybuilders, I felt compelled to give some short rack pulls a try at the end of my back session earlier this week. Why? Because sometimes we all need to be reminded about how fucking retarded we are. In my defense, I still want to believe I can do them and help with my erector development - especially when my back has been so healthy for so long now.
Now, I didn't injure my back so let's get that out of the way, first. I did, however, wake the following day with very slight nerve irritation on my right side - you know, the side that I always had nerve pain during the past 10 lower back injuries I have had. If I didn't injure it then why all of the crying, you might ask? Because I have dealt with this shit for so long that I KNOW what that minor nerve irritation means and it is a prelude to shitting in the shower. The best way to describe it is when your lower back is just slightly tight and then you either get an adjustment or you hang from a chin bar and your lower back pops and you're like, "Ahhhhh ....". However, it won't pop because the muscles on the right side are too tight ... from ... being a dumbass and ... doing deads just one time.
I actually felt great doing them. Apparently, the degeneration of the discs just cannot take the pressure or weight load - I don't really know for sure but what I do know is when I stay completely away from deads of any kind and hyperextensions of any kind, my back has NO issues (and I stretch and get adjustments regularly).
Am I missing out on erector development? Yup. But oh well. I just refuse to go back to dealing with a bad back again after working so hard for so many years to get it strong and healthy again. I can squat with NO issues and that is good enough for me. Plus, I can do heavy bent rows, too, with no issues. I'm good with that.
I am now roughly 14 weeks out as of this weekend and still very pleased with how things are going and how I am progressing. Mrs. Skip was down another couple of pounds this week, as well, and we both still have a couple more days until we Skipload so weight may still continue to fall.
I am hanging at 210 this week for the last 3 days so I anticipate dropping into the weekend. Visually I am leaner, as well, and hunger is still pretty much non-existent. I haven't made a change to my diet in 2 months other than adding in carbs while on the fat burner for 2 weeks and then taking them back out of the diet when I stopped the fat burner. Cardio is still only at 5 days a week for 30 minutes. This is the least amount of cardio I have ever done and progressed this well. In 2 months I have lost a total of 22 pounds. Mrs. Skip has lost a total of 14 but also lost 2 full weeks during that time due to medical issues.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!