I used to be one of those guys that trained no matter what. You know - the hardcore, get it done before the funeral, after you leave the hospital visiting your Father, etc.. Buying a house is not exactly on par with a death or a relative in the hospital but ... let's be honest here: I have not personally dealt with something as stressful as this in a very long time.
At the risk out sounding like a pussy, I shut it down this week and decided not to train until after we close on Friday. Aside from being anxious due to working our asses off to make this work in a time frame that we had absolutely no idea we were going to buy a new home, it is just basically overwhelming. Changing homes is bad enough if you don't have kids but trying to match up schools, time off from school, sports, getting out of the old house and having showings for that and trying to time it just right to get into the new house .... I am homicidal but ... more importantly so is my wife. And that bitch don't play. Sometimes when I wake up at night I swear I am going to find her standing over me contemplating snuffing me out with my own pillow as my T-Rex arms flail slower and slower until I pass out.
What I have found over the years is where training used to be a giant stress relief (and still is once I am actually DONE training), it is now a stress just getting to the gym. I have kids that have to be everywhere - 3 of them. I live 35 minutes from the gym on a good day and am moving to where I will be 50 minutes from the gym. I need my intra drink with me; I have to get a meal in before I leave; I have to stretch for 30 minutes, training for about 1.5 to 2 hours and then do 30 minutes of cardio; I have to take my postworkout meal with me to the gym because it takes so long to get home; I have to take any preworkout supplements with me to the gym, as well; and I have to make sure I am on time to start training or I will not be done in time before they close. Sometimes, it just plain takes the enjoyment out of training.
I cannot stand not training but I have a lot to get done this week and once I am done and we close on Friday and get moved this weekend, I can be back on track Monday and only have lost a week. After 32 years of training trust me when I say that as much as I hate taking a week off, in the big picture I will be exactly where I was a week ago after being back in the gym for a week. By that time I will have lost nothing. Sometimes, training for 30 years pays off. 🙂 Plus, it will all be worth it once we get moved into our beautiful new home.