Right now we're in week 4 of football season. We're not too beat up, yet. That is coming, though. I'm still pushing fairly hard (for in-season training) on the main lifts and getting in plenty of assistance work on Sunday and Tuesday. Thursday I have back way off on. My focus is more on being fast and explosive, rather than move a ton of weight.
What I'm noticing is that our Sunday lifts are much better because the guys have to be a little more focused. Plus, it's early in the new week and I want the work to get done. Tuesday is basically the same as it has always been in my programs.
The thing I'm hoping for is that the guys feel more refreshed on Thursdays going into the weekend. So far, it looks like I'm onto something.
We're 12 days from the first official practice of basketball season. These guys are still being pushed pretty hard. This is a crap shoot because one day the head coach complains that the guys have no legs (yet, I've been told to bury them in the weight room because it's pre-season) and the next day he tells me to crank it up even more because it's pre-season. So, I have no idea what he REALLY wants because I don't believe he really knows. But, that's why you have to be very flexible and incredibly thick-skinned in this business. But, if you truly believe in your program and run it well and are efficient, you'll be just fine.
I know what time of year it is. I know I have to push them as hard as I can for as long as I can and that's what I'm doing. We finish this week and next and then it's down to two days per week for the rest of the season. Despite the bipolar behavior these kids will be ready.
Volleyball is in mid-season form getting ready to start conference play this week. Another crap shoot from the coach. They are NOT tough physically or mentally and I am very aware of why. But, I'm not the head coach, so I have little say in it. And when asked, I am honest. But, my answer isn't something the staff wants to hear so they quickly move on to the next order of business. I can only do so much.
Baseball and softball are getting ready to start fall ball. Both teams are killing it in the weight room, no thanks to me. My assistants are doing a tremendous job with these teams.
What's especially gratifying is the softball coach telling me, "I don't care what you do as long as they don't complain." Basically, I have free reign. My advice to the assistant working with them is simple. Do anything you want, just use some common sense and remember they're athletes, not weight lifters. He's rolling with this well.
Massive hatred for athletes hasn't set in, yet. This is good because I thought I'd be burned out by now with how busy I was this summer.