The CSCCa National Conference is this week in Nashville, TN and for the 2nd consecutive year, I will be missing it. This saddens me as I really look forward to seeing my friends in coaching. For most, that is the only time I get to see any of them.
Regardless, I noticed the speaker list there and it told me a few things.
- There are a lot of great coaches we still need to schedule on the podcast.
- We have had a lot of great coaches on already.
To this point, we have done 55 and will try our best to keep them at once per week with them begin added to iTunes on Fridays of most weeks and flipped to an article the next.
Anyway here are some podcasts you may have missed from three of the speakers in Nashville this year.
Jeff Connors
East Carolina University
Ron McKeefery
Eastern Michigan University
Ryan Horn
Wake Forrest University