While most people are looking forward to the new year, and setting new goals, I firmly believe it's also good to look back (briefly) at the previous year.
What happened?
What went really well?
What went terribly wrong?
What did you learn about yourself? Others?
What can you do better?
Here are a few things that I started, improved on, and am taking with me to the new year:
1. Morning routine - at our old house, I would literally wake up, pee, wash my hands and face, put my contacts in and brush my teeth. Then begin making lunches, drinking coffee and getting ready for the day. As we moved into the new house, new surroundings, things just slowly morphed into a new routine. But the problem was there was no routine. Time was being thrown out the window. Almost 2 hours! We slowly found our way to waking up at 6, reading/studying for 30 minutes, then began our day of breakfast, kids, school and work. It's getting better and easier to do every day.
NOTE: It doesn't have to start off perfect. Each day should be a little better than the day before and soon you will find what sets YOU up for the best morning success.
2. Meet prep - I've learned that I need more time accumulating strength and less time actually "prepping" for a meet. Now everyone has different terminology when it comes to this, but I know what works best for me now. Or at least I have a better idea as a raw lifter.
NOTE: No training cycles is worthless. No program is worthless, not even the one you *think* you didn't improve on. Every training day and training cycle is a chance to learn more about you and your body.
3. Intentionality - I've mentioned this on my instagram. Being intentional in the things you do. Most days I can stay focused on the task at hand. Other days, I get sidetracked easily. I'm getting better at catching myself when it happens, but learning to finish the task at hand first before moving on.
NOTE: Lengthy projects take time. Set small goals to reach for that hour or that day. If you're really struggling to stay focused, go for a walk or a workout (something small). Releasing some energy and some feel good hormones can help you get back on track of being focused.
4. Failing - I have a lot of good ideas. Or so I think I do. Many times hitting a roadblock (whether it's business or training) causes me to just be paralyzed and not do anything. Because I'm unsure of what to do or how to proceed. So what if the training block doesn't go well.... you tried and learned. So what if your new squat stance feels off... you tried and learned. Failing is ok as long as you learn from it.
Here's to making many mistakes in 2020 and coming out on the other side better than ever.