I am sitting about 12 1/2 weeks out now and definitely not where I am wanting to be but this is the hand I am dealt and this is my start point for prep. My biggest focus right now is to stick to my RPE's and not chase weights I think I should be hitting or weights that I have hit in the past. I never go into the gym with a mindset of this is the weight on the bar and I will load it and do it no matter what, that mentality leads to injury and unsuccessful preps. I can't do anything about my start point I just have to be headstrong with my approach and make the best out of this situation. I have turned things around far worse than this before so I am not too concerned plus there will be plenty of other meets in the future so I just have to take things as they are and keep working to get better.
Chest Supported Rows- 120lbs x8, 110lbs x11
Mag Grip Lat Pulldown- 190lbs x12, 160lbs x15
DB Incline Rows- 70lbs for 2 sets of 12 reps
Single Arm Lat Pull- 3 sets of 12 reps
Cable Rear Delts- 3 sets of 15 reps
DB Incline Curls w/ 3secs Eccentrics- 3 sets of 12 reps
Football Bar BP- 335lbs x6, 315lbs for 3 sets of 6 reps
DB Incline BP- 70lbs AMRAP, 21x, 18x, 12x
Bradford Presses- 95lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps
Prime Cable Pushdowns- 120lbs x16, x14
DB Side Raises- 3sets to failure
High Face Pulls- 3 sets of 15 reps
Deadlifts- 635lbs x1, 495lbs x5
RDL's 365lbs for 2 sets of 6 reps
SSB Squats w/ Squat Wedge- 195lbs x8, 241lbs x8 for 2 sets
Sissy Squats- 3 sets of 15 reps