Last night was fun, exciting and a bit of nerve-racking. I was supposed fly to Canada early Tuesday morning to coach Meana in person at the CPU Nationals that night. Unfortunately my flight was canceled due to weather conditions. So I figured we could try to do it via Facebook messenger. I called Meana right after the flight was canceled. I told her we could do that. So we did. It worked because she had two other people available to help, Mark Webster, Meana's boyfriend and John Beres, her training partner. The meet started at around 5:30 eastern time.
The meet started at around 5:30 eastern time. Meana was in flight B. Only 2 flights of 15 lifters each. She went 3 for 3 in the squat hitting a PR 352lbs. On bench, she went 3 for 3 opening with a Canadian National record of 231lbs plus record breakers and finished with 248lbs! Through all of this, I called every attempt by watching the live video through FB messager with the help of Mark and John. The actual live feed was about 30-45 seconds behind. On deadlifts, she also went 3 for 3 finishing with a meet PR of 352lbs. At this point, she was in first place but was passed by two other great young ladies with big deadlifts finishing basically in a three-way tie.
I'm extremely proud of Meana and her accomplishments. She works extremely hard just as all Goggins Force lifters do. And is extremely disciplined and always follows the plan. Great job Meaña! Continue to ignore all the keyboard coaches.
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