Meana is planning to compete at the RPS Showdown at nearby CTX on July 27th.
She is currently 6 weeks out. Up until now she’s been on a 4 week rotation of:
High Box
Reverse Band
Full Squats w/chains
Full Squats
2 Board
1 Board w/chains
Reverse Band
1 Board or Foam w/Straight Weight
Rack Pulls from just below the knee
Deadlifts off the floor w/chains
Reverse Band
Full Range Deadlifts
We’ve found this rotation to be ideal to focus on Meana’s weak points, as well as to work with what’s best for her ROM.
This will be her last week for limited ROM on squats. From here one will be working with her attempts using straight weight, then adding reverse bands, deloading the week prior to the meet, then taking the week of the meet off. The training with the bench and deadlift will be similar while still adding some limited ROM.
She has overcome her costcochondritis and her bench is rapidly increasing back to where it was prior to the issue.
Here’s some over her latest training:
High Box Squats (1” above parallel) up to 425x2
Bench up to 225x2 off of a 2 board:
Full Deadlifts up to 345x3