Last fall, as I was getting ready for a meet, my back started acting up.  I tend to just credit 20-some years of powerlifting to these weird quirky things.  I'm not sure if there is actual disc issues or not.

I managed to make it through the meet (which, if you're a competitor, you know that just "making it through" is never really fun).  Even after the meet, I was having trouble finding some comfort.  The time away from the barbell was extremely helpful, which we always do during our post-meet GPP phases.

I also took the time to really warm-up. And not just warm-up but find things can gave my back relief.  For me, I began to allow my spine to move through some ranges of motion that it normally doesn't do.  Now don't get me wrong, we want stability in the spine, so I wasn't trying to be a yogi or a contortionist.

So here is what I've been doing.  This takes me approximately 10 minutes to get through.  One of the big ones for me is #2.  I made sure that my toes can touch the ground behind me when I roll back.  If I can't, I know I'm tight.


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