I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. Raw meet in early May!!!
Deload week is upon us and it came at a great time... physically and mentally. Hit some good singles last couple weeks so backing off the volume and intensity has been nice. Mentally, I was in a good place with those singles and feeling confident and a few personal things that came up just made it a good time to deload. Onward... always moving forward.
The last couple weeks, I've been working on staying aggressive with the weight, no matter what intensity. Some good cuing and getting in a good mindset.
Nutrition is pretty well on point. I'll give myself probably 2 meals a week that are "off plan", but I don't go nuts. And by off plan, it's usually pizza with the kids, or a burger and fries if I'm out (good burger, not fast food). No idea where my weight is but I'm guessing around 136-138. Which is a great place for me to be to cut to 132 in 5 weeks. I've backed off a little on carbs since February (don't ask me specifics because I'm not really keeping track). But I'm probably closer to 250-275g carbs rather than the 275-400g that I was eating about 9 months ago.
Baseball and softball season is here too! Not just MLB, but my little ones too. This will be my son's first year in baseball and my daughter's second year in softball. She's been doing great with her pitching. And the little guy is quite the slugger!! I love baseball season. My dad played growing up and some years semi-pro as well. Both of my brothers played throughout their school years, so I spent many many afternoons watching. I LOVED it. Could sit there for hours, through double headers, night games.... Can't wait to watch my kids be a part of it now too!
Will have another log up soon... little deeper thoughts coming once I can wrap my head around some things. And it will also have a quick update on the Kentucky NSCA State clinic I spoke at.
On to training.............
Monday- Deload bench
A. Bench 7x2 @ 115
(Good leg drive, stayed tight, pressed aggressively. Felt great!)
B. Pull-ups 6x6
C. Hammer incline
D. Triceps
E. Laterals
Tuesday- Deload Squat/Dead
A. Squat 6x3 @ 150
B. Deadlift 6x1 @ 185 (3 conv, 3 sumo)
C. Pull-ups 4x8
D. Stiff led DB deads
E. Step ups
F. Hamstring curls
G. Abs
Thursday- Bench accessories (Great swole session today... maybe, just maybe it was the pancakes I had the night before.) A. Db bench press 4x8 @ 45, 60, 65, 70!! B1. Db floor press B2. Db rows (two arms) B3. Banded pullaparts (3 sets of each) C1. Lateral raises C2. Plate raises C3. High banded face pulls (3 sets of each) D1. Incline skull crushers D2. Ez bar standing curls D3. Seated laterals (4 sets of each)
Friday- Leg accessories
(No spinal loading but legs got worked good with the leg presses. Hamstrings worked really well too and still concentrating on not over utilizing the low back.)
A. Leg press 4x12
B. Leg press Piston style 3x20
C. Pull-ups 3x10
D. Hamstring curls
E. Pull thrus
F. Abs
G. BW squats 20s on 20s off 4mins