Today our Powerlifitng squad hit a heavy lower body training session. Rack pulls 5 inches off the floor was the main lift. We followed this with cambered bar good morn, leg curls, backwards lunges, and abs on the decline bench. We have had some great comp the last month or so. We have about 5 guys all around 275/300 competing. Aaron is a 198lb lifter and hit 705 and just missed 765lbs. Hiking all sat def hurt his lift today. Nova hit 710 to beat him. Jim/Karl/newt all hit mid 500'S. Sam hit 605 and is doing well with progress. Kristin and marivon both hit solid weights (425, 320). Unsure how the morn group did looking forward to hearing Tomorow.
I hit a solid BB mil press and followed it up by some KB low rows. I will hit some neck/abs/curls/pressdowns Tomorow shirt and sweet.
Had a great weekend but busy. Sat class was solid and did a lot of famoky stuff after. Sunday I had a 1-1 at noon, my sons wrestling tourney and another 1-1 at 415pm. Busy is good.