• Deadlift: 245x5/280x5/315x5
  • HLR: 3x10
  • Pull-aparts: 50
  • FBB Press FSL: 5x8@105
  • DB Row: 5x10
  • Farmer's Walk: 5 trips of 50 yards

Good lift.  The day before I did:

  • Bike: 10 minutes
  • Push-ups: 5x10
  • Pull-ups: 5x5
  • Ab Wheel: 5x10
  • Bike: 10 minutes

I had no desire to do RFESS for a 3rd workout in a row so I opted for Farmer's Walks.  I think I'll keep these in.  They got my heart rate going and jacked my traps and upper back up - in a good way.