- SSB Box Squat: 205/225/245/260x5
- Push-ups: 5x10
- BBB: 10x5@205
- Hammer Row: 5x10
- Pushdowns: 4x15
Good workout. I'll have more to say after I get some work done in the office.
Good workout. I'll have more to say after I get some work done in the office.
A couple of questions...for an older, taller lifter what depth do you recommend for a squat? I usually hit about 90...seems if i go another 5-10 degrees i start to get knee issues. I know this may be mobility issues but also may be age.
Second question...it seems like you do a lot of sets on your main lifts. Do you get concerned with overtraining?
Try light knee sleeves if you don't already wear them.
As far as overtraining, never going to happen. I don't/can't train heavy enough anymore.