Sort of playing around this week. I have a few ideas that I want to try before I start my next phase. I'm pretty happy with the last 3 weeks. I'll go back to something like that in another cycle or two.
- SSB Box Squat: 260x8
- BBB: 5x10@155 (Didn't want to reintroduce Boring But Big with heavy weight. Glad I didn't because I am SORE today.)
- FBB Press: 5x10@65
- Pull-ups: 2 sets of 3x3
- Hammer Row: 2x20
- RDL: 2x15
- Neck/Biceps: 2 sets
This next phase will still have some body weight stuff, but I'll use the bar a little more. As I said in my last post, I'm still ironing out some things so I can come up with some "rules" for the different phases.